New Year in the Wild

December 31, 2012
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Instead of making resolutions, I want to be more appreciative. I worry too much about the future without taking time to appreciate what I have, where I am and those I love. I guess I am, in fact, making a single resolution to live more in the moment. 


Snow. We have it now, we may not have it later, so I will ski in the woods and appreciate the rustle of sifting snow.

Summer. It is never long enough and I will hike and paddle more and just sit outdoors to appreciate the fierceness of the light, the scent of balsam and the breeze on my skin.

Fall. It is my favorite time of year and luckily, it is a season that has been extended by climate change. September and all of October are full of haze-less days that invite outdoor activities. Better views from mountain summits, fewer insects and glorious color reflected in a thousand ponds and lakes.

Spring. Well, I'll appreciate it if it ever occurs. Generally we go into a couple weeks of changeable weather between winter and summer, then POOF! It's summer.

My neighbors, who plow my driveway, send me jokes via e-mail and wave whenever we pass.

Charlie John's Store. I appreciate having a hometown grocery store with so many food choices.

My woodpile, which my younger daughter and her fiancé stacked so conveniently. I appreciate the security and warmth the pile represents.

Safety. It is easy to forget that the biggest security challenges here are raccoons trying to get into the garbage and bears tearing down bird feeders. There is no malice, no mental health issue and no assault weapon involved in these incidents, only highly predictable survival instincts.

My two daughters, who are independent, funny, brilliant and highly motivated. I hope they know how proud I am of them

My husband, who lets me know every day that I am appreciated, even though we can't live together (yet) because of our separate careers. I am going to appreciate the heck out of him in 2013! 

Ann Melious is Director of Hamilton County NY Economic Development and Tourism, something else she appreciates!